Adina Izarra
Born in 1959, in Caracas. Obtained a Dphil form de University of York, UK en 1989. At the moment she teaches at Simon Bolivar University where she directs the “Laboratorio Digital de Música”. In the year 2002 she was elected member of the Collegium of Latin American Composers “Colegio de Compositores Latinoamericanos de Música de Arte”.
In spite of living in South América, Caracas is situated 10º29´N of the ecuator, and my home 66º 53´W. This work is based on Venezuelan birds: Tordos, Guacharacas, Guacamayas. There is also the very characteristic Amolador call, a very old Spanish tradition from Galicia still present in Caracas.
From the north samplers I chose also birds, and especially the sound of stones, trying to turn them into some kind of maracas.
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