The Nordic Countries and South America have very different realities, traditions, languages and history. But one thing we have in common is, unfortunately, our lack of mutual knowledge. But distances seems to get closer nowadays and with the aid of the new means of communication we can certainly reversed this situation and make a rich interchange between our regions.
That’s the reason we have decided to undertake the “North - South - Project” with the certainty that one of the ways to understand and know a culture is through our ears: listening the soundscapes of cities, towns or of any other sample of the country where each composer lives and work. The idea is to make a CD release of sound works whereevery composer from the Nordic Countries has toworkat least half of his composition with sounds made available by the Latin American composers and vice versa. All other sounds they choose to record themselves has to be put in the sound bank for others to use Every composer will have to finish a new work created from the sound sources available on the project’s web site with a maximum duration of 4 minutes. Therefore, in order to produce the CD, we are about 18 composers involved.
1 comentario:
Córdoba, Argentina. 20 y 21 de octubre de 2008.
Las siguientes obras se expondrán en las IV Jornadas Argentinas de Música Contemporánea. Muchas gracias por enviarnos su música.
The following works will be heard in the IV Jornadas Argentinas de Música Contemporánea. Thenk you very much for sending us your work.
CONSTRUCCIONES, Hernani Villaseñor Ramírez (México)
CERCA DEL LIMITE, Edson Zampronha (Brasil)
LA RUEDA DEL TIEMPO, Eduardo Kacheli (Argentina)
EN ATTENDANT LA FIN, Antony Maubert (Francia)
HEXAGONAL (FACETS 1-6), Josh Goldman (Estados Unidos)
10°29’, Adina Izarra (Venezuela)
LA DISTESA E IL CAMPO, Luigi Pizzaleo (Italia)
ALLUVION, Robert Dow (Escocia)
SINFONIA PER A BOMBO, Victor Vallés Fornet (España)
THE DAY BEFORE, Giusepe Rapisarda (Italia)
VRITTI, Jen-Kuang Chang (Taiwan)
EPITUNGA, Bryan Holmes (Chile)
INSIDE THE PIPE, Massimo Biasioni (Italia)
RECUERDOS DE UN HOMBRE SOLO, Federico Echave (Argentina)
TOC, Ricardo de Armas (Argentina)
PORN ATTITUDE, Joan Bagés i Rubi (Cataluña-España)
BAILAR SOBRE LAS RUINAS, Facundo Reynal (Argentina)
SEXO EXPLICITO, Luisa Ventura (Argentina)
DE PIANO A FORTE, Damián Anache (Argentina)
TRANSMIGRACION, Edith Alonso (España)
CUCU, Florencia Ansaldo (Argentina)
YA UNA VERSION, Susana Espinosa (Argentina)
LA RISA, LA LUNA Y LA MUÑECA, Martin Proscia (Argentina)
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