miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

REALtime: Sounds from the Weave

November 3, 10, 17, and 24, 2009: 12:30p - The Stedman Art Gallery

The Rutgers Electro-Acoustic Lab (REAL) presents Sounds from the Weave, four installations of electroacoustic music by women composers from around the globe.

Supporting the art exhibition A Complex Weave: Women and Identity in Contemporary Art, these installations showcase the myriad ways that women have expressed issues of their identity and gender through their music.

69 composers from 18 countries submitted over 100 works for consideration. 33 works were chosen to represent how women composers from diverse backgrounds have woven the the threads of identity into their work.

Each installation is one hour in duration.

All are welcome to visit the gallery during these times and reflect on the art and take in the sounds. Admission is free.

Click here for a complete list of composers and works.

10°29´N by Adina Izarra is going to be included.


VII Salón de Arte-CIencia

QUeridos amigos:
Hoy presenté las siguientes obras en concierto en mi universidad y fueron muy bien recibidas.
Dear Friends, today I presented the following works at my university and they were very much welcomed.

England-Norway Natasha Barrett 1972 Rite-3/18

Venezuela Adina Izarra 1959 1029´N

Faroe Islands Heðin Ziska Davidsen 1977 When Sheep Go South

Iceland Rikhardur H. Fridriksson Postcards from North and South

Argentina Daniel Schachter 1953 broad-A-broad